Who We Are

My name is Darin.

I’m just a quirky, goofy guy whose brain is constantly coming up with strange ideas and oddball jokes, finding connections in things that most people wouldn’t see.

I’m a complete nerd about history and certain science topics and I thoroughly geek out over puns and clever word play. I noticed one day that after I shared some of my unique takes on things, many people said; “that would make a good t-shirt.”

So, I decided to use the visual medium of t-shirt design to share my personal brand of humor with the world.

Geek Blender Tees is the culmination of a few years of thought and planning, a lot of dreaming, and a hefty bit of self-taught graphic design work. Not to mention many hours of friends and family being subjected to design ideas that “might” be a t-shirt someday. LOL.

My wonderful wife and a handful of friends have done a great job of helping me streamline my ideas and offered stellar advice/ideas of their own. One particular buddy; “B”, even made a small investment that finally allowed me to start the ball rolling and made this website a possibility. This is who “we” are.

I hope you enjoy my geeky contribution to the world and are inspired to buy a t-shirt.